Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project

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Below you will find useful information, including tips and tricks, how-to articles etc. Content is updated on a weekly basis. We also offer training on Microsoft Project.

Microsoft Project Interface

Microsoft Project Interface

The default view in MS Project is the Gantt Chart view. This consists of data table on the left hand side of the screen and a Gantt bar chart on the right. The Divider Bar separates both sections and it can be moved to make each side bigger. The Gantt table looks like an Excel worksheet, consiting of rows, columns and cells. The Gantt bar chart graphically displays your project schedule. Read more.

Starting your First Project in Microsoft Project

Starting your First Project in Microsoft Project

In this article, you’ll get started using Microsoft Project by creating a basic project and setting up the project schedule. You’ll add tasks to your project and set constraints on those tasks to further customize your project. Read more.

Adding Tasks in Microsoft Project

Adding Tasks in Microsoft Project

In this article, we'll delve a little deeper into understanding tasks. Project introduces manually scheduled tasks. You can also schedule tasks automatically using the Project scheduling engine. We’ll discuss the key terms for understanding tasks in this module. We’ll also learn how to view task information and sort and filter tasks. Read more.

Adding Resources in Microsoft Project

Adding Resources in Microsoft Project

This article introduces you to adding resources in MS Project. Resources are the people, equipment, and materials needed to complete your project. This module will give an overview of how resources are used in Project 2010. You’ll learn how to add resources and view resource information. You’ll also learn how to assign resources to tasks. Read more.

Working with Costs

Working with Costs

In order for Project to successfully calculate costs for a project, you must enter accurate information, including varying pay rates. A work resource has a standard pay rate and an overtime rate. You can also enter specific pay rates for a certain day or for an assignment. In this module, we’ll look at resource pay rates, including material resource consumption rates. Read more.

Working with Multiple Projects

Working with Multiple Projects

This module explains how to handle multiple projects. You’ll learn how to create links between projects. Since working with a single file is always faster if you can help it, this module will also explain how to consolidate projects. You’ll learn how to view multiple project critical paths and consolidated project statistics. Finally, this module explains how to create a resource pool. Read more.

Working with Gantt Charts

Working with Gantt Charts

The Gantt Chart is a horizontal bar chart that represents each task in the time scale of the project. Each task entered in the project will be shown and by default, the name of the resource allocated to the task appears next to the bar. Read more.

Adding Gantt Bars

Adding Gantt Bars

If you want to spotlight a particular task category that is not represented by its own Gantt bar, you can create a new Gantt bar. For example, you can create a Gantt bar to show available slack or to call attention to delayed tasks. Read more.

Editing Tasks on a Gantt Chart

Editing Tasks on a Gantt Chart

One method of editing tasks is to change them on the Gantt Chart using the mouse and dragging. Positioning the pointer at the beginning of a bar will change the pointer to a % sign and dragging with the mouse to the left will update the percentage completed of the task. Read more.

Network Diagrams in Project

Network Diagrams in Project

To see the Network Diagram, on the View tab of the Ribbon click Network Diagram. The Descriptive Network Diagram view is identical to the Network Diagram view, except for the size, and the detail of the boxes that represent tasks. The boxes on the Descriptive Network Diagram view are larger and can contain labels for the data elements in the box. These larger boxes take up more space, and thus fewer boxes fit on a printed page. Read more.

Using Tables

Using Tables

Much of the data the system holds can be entered and/or viewed in a table format. Project has predefined sets of columns (called tables) which display specific information. To apply a different table to a sheet view, click the View tab, click Tables, and then select the table you want to apply. Read more.

Applying Filters

Applying Filters

A filter is used to screen out unwanted tasks for a particular view to identify a particular aspect of the current state of the project. For example the filter can be set to show the tasks that make up the Critical Path. Read more.

Resources Leveling

Resources Leveling

In this article we take you through 3 examples of how to level resources in MS Project. Start by looking at the project in the Resource Usage view. Read more.

Managing Tasks in MS Project

Managing Tasks in MS Project

In this article, will delve a little deeper into managing tasks within Projects. We will learn how to create recurring tasks and import tasks from Microsoft Outlook. Read more.

osoft Project

Creating a Timeline in Microsoft Project

In this article, we'll delve a little deeper into how to create a timeline within Projects. In this article, we will learn how to show and hide the timeline, customize timeline tasks, change the font for individual timeline items, modify global text styles for the timeline and copy a timeline. Read more.

Creating Milestones

Creating Milestones

A milestone indicates a significant event in the lifetime of a project. For example, the testing of a prototype could be considered a milestone in the sample project that we have been working with. Typically milestones are zero days in duration. There can also be multiple milestones for each project. Read more.

Inactivating Tasks

Inactivating Tasks

Tasks in Project may be marked as inactive to prevent them from having an effect on the schedule or resource availability without having to delete them entirely. For example, you could mark a task as inactive if you cannot complete it now, but you may be able to later in the project. Read more.

Fixed Tasks

Fixed Tasks

There are three types of tasks in Project: Fixed Duration, Fixed Units, and Fixed Work. Fixed Duration tasks have a fixed duration that will not change, Fixed Unit tasks will have constant fixed units, and Fixed Work tasks will have the work remain constant. Read more.

Adding a Hyperlink to a Task

Adding a Hyperlink to a Task

In Microsoft Project, you have ability to link tasks to information available elsewhere, such as an external file or an Internet site. There are two ways to go about this, each of which implements the link differently. Read more.

Splitting and Overlapping Tasks

Splitting and Overlapping Tasks

When you split a task, you break it into two or more separate parts so that parts of a task can start earlier or later than others. Most typically, a task is split when only part of a task is going to be delayed. Read more.

Delaying Tasks

Delaying Tasks

In this article, we will delve a little deeper into how to delay tasks as well as assign variable units to a task in MS Project. This multi-purpose guide takes a step-by-step approach to task management within Microsoft Project. Read more.

Adding Custom Fields to a Task

Adding Custom Fields to a Task

In this article, we will take a look at how to add Custom Fields to a Task within MS Project. This article features easy to follow steps which will guide you through adding Custom Fields to an MS Project Task. Read more.

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